We were a mess. I wanted to burn the edges of my poster to add effect, but that wasn't a safe idea. I started burning one of the edges and became in awe at how beautiful the fire was. I started daydreaming and before I knew it practically my entire poster was in ashes. I quickly threw it into the sink and watered it down.... It was too late; the damage was done. All that remained was a black, charcoal mess in the sink. I didn't have an efficient amount of sleep and started zoning out. I had to start ALL OVER. The next time I burned it, I was more cautious and was able to keep the poster alive. This happened mainly because I was too tired and fatigued to adequately pay attention to what was going on.
So I then realized that the affects of lack of sleep and how it changes how we think and behave. On the website http://healthysleep.med.harvard.edu/healthy/matters/consequences/sleep-performance-and-public-safety I found a lot of information and links to other websites. From the professionals, I found out that over 1 million hospital injuries and 50,000-100,000 deaths each year were preventable medical. The doctor simply was sleep deprived from working nonstop for 24 hours and sometimes 36 hours. Drowsy driving also is the cause of 20% of car accidents (1 million crashes, 500,000 injuries, and 8,000 deaths). Both drinking and driving and drowsy driving have the similar effects. 

Next blog, will be the mental effects of sleep deprivation. Based off of my own experience today, I think that some side effects will include: inability to focus for long periods of time, headaches, lower reaction timing, etc. See ya next time!